Rainbow Neglecta Mushrooms For Your Reef Aquarium
Reef aquarium hobbyists are always looking for something new and colorful for their collection. Rainbow Neglecta Mushrooms offer just that. Neglecta, or Umbrella, Mushrooms are collected in Caribbean waters and are easy to keep in most reef aquariums. They come in a wide variety of colors and fluoresce under blue LED lighting.
Discosoma neglecta have been available in the hobby for a long time. Since they were usually imported in brown and green hues, they never enjoyed the same popularity as Indo/Pacific Discosoma Mushrooms. As suppliers learned more about reef aquarist's desired color morphs, we have recently seen Neglecta with brilliant rainbow colors begin to come to market.
Neglecta Mushrooms are found in cracks among coral rubble on Caribbean reefs. Our supplier has divers collecting them in Haiti. They prefer lower light (75-200 PAR) and low to medium flow. Neglecta Mushrooms do poorly with low nutrients and/or high light. You can tell they aren't thriving when they lose their bright colors. They can grow to be around 4" across and we often receive them full grown. Although Neglecta house photosynthetic zooxanthellae, we suggest feeding them meaty foods 1-2 times per week.
Like other corals, caution should be taken when placing them near other species. They do have stinging tentacles and are moderately aggressive towards their neighbors. Neglecta can also sting, catch, and eat slow moving small fish and crustaceans.
If you are looking for something easy and colorful to add to a dim area in your reef aquarium, Rainbow Neglecta Mushrooms are certainly a breathtaking option.
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